1. korporatīvās sabiedrības labklājības pasākums


The 1st Corporate Public Welfare Activity

The company held its fourth charity and love education activity, bringing warmth and hope to impoverished students. We are well aware of the importance of education, and therefore provide children with a better learning environment and growth opportunities by donating funds, learning materials, and clothing. We hope that through such activities, we can convey love and positive energy, inspire children to study hard, and become future pillars of talent. Let us work together to light up the path for impoverished students and let the power of knowledge change their destiny. Let us prove through action that care and education can create a better future!

Customized Retort Line

Customized Retort Line

Customized Retort Line

Customized Retort Line

For over a century, ZLPH has been breaking barriers in Food Tech, providing high-quality, technologically advanced, and reliable solutions to all of our industry partners. With our unparalleled tenacity, innovative approach, and continued emphasis on collaboration, we have solidified our reputation as a food processing industry leader and trusted equipment provider.

Main business: retort machine and automatic sterilization production line.

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